Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Employment, Home Price Gains Improving Foreclosure Picture

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Completed foreclosures in June were down 63.3 percent from the peak reached in September 2010. That month, just before the robo-signing scandal forced a temporary moratorium on foreclosures and slowed the pace going forward, there were 117,119 foreclosure actions completed. This past June there were 43,000 down 14.8 percent from the previous June's 50,000 actions, however it was an increase of 2,000 properties or 4.8 percent from May. The June National Foreclosure Report published by CoreLogic on Tuesday said there have been 5.8 million foreclosures since September 2008 and 7.8 million since homeownership reached an all-time peak in the second quarter of 2004. Before the decline in the housing market in 2007 there were typically about 21,000 foreclosures each month. The national foreclosure...(read more)

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Source: http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/08112015_corelogic_foreclosures.asp

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