Friday, August 21, 2015

MBS RECAP: Massive Stock Selling Results in Modest Bond Market Gains

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

About 10 days into July's bond market rally, I posed the question: What if 2015 doesn't turn out to be the big bounce ? It started out with the following thought: What if it's all not enough--the multiple iterations of QE at home, ongoing QE abroad, ultra low rates for longer than they've ever been ultra low, and a generally consumer-friendly inflation environment, among other things? What if this is not enough to get the engine of global growth firing on all cylinders? What if early 2015 has just been a pause for reflection and the decades-long bull market in bonds actually gets back on track in the second half of the year? This is a question that has increasingly been on investors' minds as they ponder the Fed's rate-hike rhetoric. Is 2015 really the best time? I was...(read more)

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