Sunday, August 9, 2015

eSignature Progress; Agency News in Primary Markets; Fannie Earnings

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Pipeline Press

Yesterday I attended the California Association of Mortgage Professionals conference in Southern California, and was talking to a buddy who works at a vendor shop where he had attended a "topless meeting" earlier this week. Of course my pulse quickened a little until he explained that it was "a meeting in which participants are not allowed to use laptops. A topless meeting organizer can also ban the use of smartphones, cellphones and other electronic devices. The purpose of this is to create an environment free from distraction, to foster enhanced focus and to generate more discussions." Drats! Talking about confusion, I don't know if this story is more for the HR staff or the CFO, but any story involving the IRS and employer-sponsored health coverage is going to turn some heads. Congrats to...(read more)

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