Monday, August 24, 2015

TRID Buyback Risk Webinar; Student Debt Figures; Richard Cordray on MSAs

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

"In the physical sciences, knowledge is cumulative. In the financial markets, it is cyclical." I was reminded of this by Brent Nyitray, CFA and a director of capital markets - especially relevant to remember whenever the government continues to try to push lenders and the Agencies to extend credit to "underserved" groups. To be blunt, ask any industry vet and they'll tell you that from a credit perspective not everyone deserves to be able to borrow money to buy a home. As reported in this commentary Saturday Stearns Holdings, LLC (parent company of Stearns Lending, LLC) saw a majority stake in the company being purchased by a private equity group of Blackstone (with over $300 billion in assets under management). It is important to note that Stearns will not fall under the "Finance of America...(read more)

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