Saturday, August 22, 2015

Vendor Management; Current Foci of Capital Markets; A Lender Worth $4 billion?

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

What does the CFPB think of residential lenders? One indication might be the videos of borrower horror stories posted on its website. I, for one, would sure like to see some car loan stories - having the CFPB continue to suggest that the public shouldn't trust mortgage lenders, while we all wait for the next enforcement action to figure out rules, is misleading and entirely counter-productive to the entire industry. SoFi , a San Francisco-based "market place" lender, received some very favorable press this week from Forbes Magazine and the Wall Street Journal. It is nice to see a company that has a growing mortgage division receive that kind of news, although critics are left scratching their heads about companies where "The funding would give SoFi a $4 billion valuation , a sum good enough...(read more)

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