Saturday, March 30, 2013

Shadow Inventory On The Rise After 2012 Foreclosure Legislation

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A new report issued today by RealtyTrac says that the U.S. foreclosure inventory has increased by about 12 percent since May 2012 when it hit a five-year low of 1.3 million properties. Today that inventory stands at about 1.5 million and is up 9 percent form the first quarter of 2012. The foreclosure inventory consists of homes actively in the foreclosure process and bank-owned homes or REO. RealtyTrac says it was the finalization of the National Mortgage Settlement in April 2012 that triggered the growth of the inventory which is driven by a 59 percent jump in properties in some stage of foreclosure. The inventory is down from a peak of 2.2 million properties in December 2010. "Delinquent loans that fell into a deep sleep after the robo-signing controversy in late 2010 are gradually coming...(read more)

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CFPB's New Financial Products Complaint Site Goes Live Today

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Starting today consumers will be able to track complaints about products and services levied by other consumers against some 450 financial services companies. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will go live with what they are calling the nation's largest public database of federal consumer financial complaints, covering some 90,000 individual complaints regarding mortgages, student loans, bank accounts and services, The searchable data base, an expansion of an earlier complaint site which covered only about 19,000 credit card complaints, includes information on what customers complained about, when, and why as well as how the company responded to the complaint, whether the response was timely and if the consumer disputed it. There is no identifying consumer data included in the...(read more)

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Cordray says Consumer Complaints are Key to Helping Consumers and the Marketplace

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In addition to announcing the availability of a new consumer complaint database , Richard Cordray , Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) told attendees at a Consumer Response Field Hearing that complaints give the new agency three distinct and important ways to help consumers . Each complaint is a chance to evaluate a perceived problem and see if it can be resolved quickly. CFPB has received more than 130,000 complaints from individual consumers, including complaints about mortgages, credit cards, student loans, auto loans, bank accounts, credit reports, and more and has helped consumers secure millions of dollars in monetary relief and non-monitory solutions such as cleaning up credit reports. In this way he said, our consumer response team is making a real difference...(read more)

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Mortgage Rates Sneak Into Long Weekend Nearly Unchanged

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates moved gently higher today, but levels were close enough to unchanged that several lenders were either in line with yesterday's rates or marginally better. The trading session for bond markets including Mortgage-backed-securities, came to an early close in honor of tomorrow's Good Friday holiday. Though there were several potential market movers in play, none of them caused a scene and trading levels moved very calmly sideways all day. Best execution ( what is this? ) for 30yr Fixed loans remained at 3.625% with the minor weakness being seen in the form of moderately higher borrowing costs. In general, a good amount of yesterday's improvements and today's ground-holding is due to fear about "stuff that might not happen" in Italy and the EU. We spent the whole session waiting for...(read more)

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

MBS RECAP: Big Month/Quarter-End Volume, And Nothing To Show For It

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary Today was an uncommon combination of strong volume and insanely contained price ranges. It's not a frequent occurrence and even less so outside quarter-end trading sessions. MBS markets absorbed a ton of new origination supply, all of which was taken very much in stride as mortgages stayed tight to Treasuries. That said, neither side of market moved much and Fannie 3.0s clung to a miraculously narrow range of 103-02 to 103-05. Even the overnight movement in European markets was more contained than it has been in recent sessions. It caused a bit of weakness at the open, but lackluster economic data was there to reign us back in to over around unchanged levels all day. Exciting news from Italy never came, and even when Bersani's party admitted as much,...(read more)

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Mortgage Rates Break Cyprus Slide, Move to 2-Week Lows

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Mortgage rates moved lower today at their fastest pace in more than a week, bringing them in line with their lowest levels since last week's Cyprus-related market movement. Lender pricing strategies continue to be varied and some lenders didn't improve nearly as much as the average. That said, it was enough to clearly tip the scales in favor of 3.625% as a prevailing Best-Execution rate ( what is this? ) for 30yr Fixed loans. 3.75% and 3.5% may be more viable depending on the scenario and the lender. Keep in mind when we reference these adjacent rates that differences in borrowing costs are implied. For example, 3.5, 3.625, and 3.75% are all likely available from one lender, but different lenders have different costs associated with moving from one rate to the next. In almost all cases, the...(read more)

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Servicers Report Loan Performance Continued to Increase in Q4

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The Office of Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is reporting that the quality of mortgage loans serviced by selected national and federal savings banks continued to improve in the fourth quarter of 2012. OCC's Mortgage Metric Report covers 29.0 million loans with $4.9 trillion in principal balances, approximately 57 percent of outstanding mortgage loans in the U.S. Current and performing loans increased from 88.6 percent in the third quarter to 89.4 percent at the end of December. In December 2012 performing loans constituted 88.0 percent of first lien mortgages. The 30+ day delinquency rate was 2.9 percent, a decline of 8.2 percent from the third quarter and 6.1 percent from a year earlier. Serious delinquencies - over 60 days or held by borrowers in bankruptcy, represented 4.4 percent of...(read more)

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New Home Sales Lost Ground in February

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New home sales dropped in February to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 411,000 units. This was down 4.6 percent from the revised rate in January, downgraded from the 437,000 originally reported to 431,000. February sales were 12.3 percent above the 366,000 reported for February 2012. On a non-seasonally adjusted basis there were 33,000 new homes sold during the month compared to 30,000 in both January and in February 2012. The new home sales data was released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. At the end of February there were 152,000 new homes for sale compared to 146,000 a year earlier. However, because of the increase in the rate of sales the current inventory represents a 4.4 month supply compared to 4.8 months in February 2012. Eight...(read more)

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mortgage Rates Increasingly Stuck at Recently Higher Levels

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates moved slightly higher today on average, though a few lenders were unchanged or marginally improved. Some released positively revised rate sheets in the middle of the day as bond markets and MBS (the mortgage-backed-securities that most directly influence rates) improved. Though today's move was slightly weaker, it keeps rates in a consistent range just under their 10-month highs. After having risen to 3.625% in late January, 30yr fixed "best-execution" rates ( what is this? ) have been persistently stuck between there and 3.75% In a break from a week and a half of exclusive focus on European headlines, domestic bond markets (which include MBS) actually responded somewhat to today's economic data. The biggest standout here was today' Consumer Confidence numbers, which came in...(read more)

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Distressed Sales Drop to Less than One-Third of California Home Market

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Equity sales , that is sales of non-distressed properties, now constitute two-thirds of all home sales in California compared to less than one-half only one year ago. A report from the California Association of Realtors® (C.A.R.) puts the share of equity sales in the state in February at 67.1 percent, compared to 64.4 percent in January and 46.7 percent in February 2012. This is the highest share of equity sales since April 2008. Short sales made up 19.9 percent of sales in California in February compared to 21.5 percent in January and 24.8 percent a year earlier. Sales of lender-owned real estate (REO) represented 12.6 percent of the home market in February, down from 13.7 percent the previous month and 28 percent in February 2012. C.A.R.'s Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI) rose 8.7 percent...(read more)

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Volume Rankings and Market Share Changing, Helping Smaller Lenders; Servicing Sales a Hot Topic

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

David Stevens, the president of the MBA, is on TV today talking about the undeniable housing recovery. But a lot of that is all-cash transactions. Mortgage applications have been down 5 of the last 6 weeks. Capital markets personnel report that pipelines are down 20-30% versus October levels. I am not convinced that, "Oh, our pipelines always drop at this time of year" applies this time around. Others say, "The refi market seems a little tired (refi's are down to 75% of new apps) and although we've known that increasing our purchase business is important we haven't done much about it." The good news for "smaller" lenders is that the market share of the big banks seems to dropping . The latest figures from the 4 th quarter of 2012 reflect this. Looking at total originations & market share...(read more)

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Mortgage Rates Stay Relatively Flat Despite Market Volatility

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates were very close to unchanged today, though some lenders were in microscopically better territory than yesterday. Underlying market movements were more volatile than they have been, but ultimately settled down in agreeable territory for mortgage-backed-securities (MBS). Best-Execution for 30yr Fixed, conventional loans remains stuck between 3.625% and 3.75% with lower rates still available in exchange for increasingly steep up front costs. ( What is A Best-Execution Mortgage Rate? ) Depending on the level of attention you pay to news from financial markets, you may or may not have gotten the sense that the small Mediterranean island country of Cyprus is the center of attention this week. For the casual observer, it strains credulity to consider that Cyprus could actually be the...(read more)

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Mortgage Rates Slightly Higher Despite Market Stability

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Mortgage rates moved gently higher today in what was more of an extension of yesterday afternoon's mortgage market weakness than anything to do with today's trading levels. In fact, bond markets were slightly stronger today as economic data was largely overlooked in favor of reacting to Cyprus-related headlines. That said, MBS (the mortgage backed securities that most directly influence mortgage rates) struggled compared to Treasuries. In general, MBS underperform Treasuries in volatile, headline-driven environments. The day-over-day change in rates was minimal, and there were even a few lenders whose rates were the same or better. This leaves 30yr Fixed, Best-Execution in the same shape as the past few days between 3.625% and 3.75%. ( What is A Best-Execution Mortgage Rate? ) If mortgage markets...(read more)

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Feast or Famine; Home Builders now Face Labor Shortages

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Residential home builders are reporting that a lack of available labor is hampering new home construction the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) said today. The worker shortage is evident in most of the trades. Homebuilders responded to a survey by NAHB with more than half reporting they had encountered labor shortages over the last six months that have caused them to pay higher wages or subcontractor bids and consequently raise the price of completed houses. Forty-six percent said they had experienced delays in completing projects, 15 percent had to turn down work, and 9 percent lost or cancelled sales because they could not find appropriate help. "The survey of our members shows that since June of 2012, residential construction firms are reporting an increasing number of shortages...(read more)

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Legislation would Remove Lending Barriers for Home Builders

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Representatives Gary Miller (R-CA) and Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) have introduced legislation to increase the access of homebuilders to credit . HR 1255, The Home Construction Lending Regulatory Improvement Act of 2013, addresses specific regulatory obstacles to the credit needed by builders for home building projects. The text of the bill introduced on Tuesday is not yet available through the Library of Congress but is said to be identical to HR 1755 introduced by Miller in the 112 th Congress. That bill required the appropriate federal banking agencies to coordinate rulemaking for banks that make real estate loans to home builders. Its provision s would : Eliminate the 100 Percent of Bank Capital Measurement so that regulators could no longer prohibit a qualified financial institution that holds...(read more)

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mortgage Rates Rise Following Following Fed Statement, Not Necessarily Because Of It

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates moved higher today for the first time in nearly two weeks. Although the changes in lenders' rate sheets versus yesterday were largely a factor of late-day market gyrations that followed the afternoon's FOMC Announcement and Press Conference, the weakness in bond markets wasn't directly linked to any of the FOMC Headlines or any particular question/answer from Bernanke's press conference. In the grand scheme of things, the movement was small, but just enough relative to the day's flat range to justify revised rate sheets from lenders. Best Execution continues to hover between 3.625% and 3.75%. ( What is A Best-Execution Mortgage Rate? ) Far more important than any of the afternoon volatility is the distinct lack of volatility that followed what would normally be the actionable...(read more)

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MBS RECAP: All Cyprus Ahead Of FOMC Tomorrow

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary Headlines concerning the Cyprus bailout and it's various components streamed in at a healthy clip almost all day. As such, bond markets rallied almost all day, beginning with US Treasuries in the overnight session. For instance, 10yr yields fell from 1.97 in the Asian session to just over 1.89 by 1:30pm this afternoon. MBS were painfully unwilling to keep pace with such a move--a task made all the more challenging by a larger than normal dose of new origination supply. Even without the supply, it's not customary for mortgages to reap as much benefit from these sorts of flights-to-safety, and the double helping of uphill battles is apparent on the charts with MBS gaining only 6 ticks in price vs 10's 16 ticks. That made for a yield spread widening of several...(read more)

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Experian Notes Declining Credit Default Rates

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Default rates for most types of consumer loans were down slightly in February compared to January and in every case were substantially below levels of February 2012. The composite S&P Experian National Consumer Credit Default Index was 1.55 percent in February, down from 1.63 percent in January and 2.09 percent in February of last year. Among the individual loan indices only second mortgage and auto loan defaults were higher in February than in the previous month and those moved up only marginally. Auto loans were at 1.11 percent compared to 1.10 percent in January and second mortgages rose two basis points to 71 percent. Second mortgages had a default index of 1.20 percent and auto loans 1.22 percent in February 2012. The first mortgage default rate fell from 1.58 percent in January to...(read more)

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MBS RECAP: Flat Domestic Session After Overnight Euro Bombs

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary Overnight news regarding a bailout plan for Cyprus dominated trading in Asian and European hours as markets took flight from riskier assets (and from Cypriot ATMs) for safer havens such as mattresses, safes, and core country bond markets. Volume was surprisingly light given the apparent level of drama (not lighter than average, but not significantly bigger than average either). By the time US markets were underway, most of the adjustments had played out and we were left with quite a flat range in MBS and Treasuries. 10yr yields favored a channel between 1.9442 and 1.965, effectively grinding around the 1.95 pivot mentioned in the last update. MBS opened just under 103-00 in Fannie 3.0s and stayed within striking distance all day long, giving lenders some...(read more)

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

FHFA OIG Looks at Freddie Mac's $1.2B Lehman Brothers Loss

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The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) has published an evaluation report detailing Freddie Mac's involvement in unsecured lending to Lehman Brothers just prior to that firm's bankruptcy. The last Freddie Mac loan to that firm resulted in a loss of $1.2 billion . Prior to its filing for bankruptcy Lehman was the fourth largest investment bank in the United States with $639 billion in assets. Lehman traded and underwrote stocks and bonds, traded commodities, was active in the credit derivatives market, and became a major player in both commercial and residential securitization markets . Lehman sold mortgages to Freddie Mac and also served as one of its investment bankers. Lehman underwrote common and preferred stock offerings for Freddie Mac as well as various...(read more)

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Mortgage Rates Continue Leveling-Off, Improving Slightly

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Mortgage rates improved modestly , capping a week that's seen rates either move sideways or slightly lower every day. Today's stability and ultimately, improvements came as the result of uneventful overnight trading and a small surge in "asset allocation" trading out of stocks and into bond markets after stocks opened. General bond market strength benefits MBS, the securities that most directly affect mortgage rates. Weaker-than-expected Consumer Sentiment data continued to keep demand high for less-risky assets, ultimately leading many lenders to offer improved rate sheets in the afternoon. The net-positive week brings 3.625% back into focus as a Best-Execution rate, but 3.75% is more prevalent. Lower rates are available for increased upfront costs, but this becomes less and less efficient...(read more)

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Friday, March 15, 2013

California Home Prices Benefit from Short Inventory, Sales Suffer

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California house prices have now risen on an annual basis for a full year according to the California Association of Realtors® ( C.A.R. ). The median price of an existing single family home sold for $333,800 in February, down 1 percent from the January median of $337,360 but an increase of 24.2 percent from February 2012. In addition to marking a full year of annual price increases, February was the eighth consecutive month with annual increases in double digits. Sales of existing single-family detached homes in February were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 416,610 units in February, down 0.9 percent from January and 5.9 percent from 442.660 sales in February 2012. C.A.R. said sales are being affected by a lack of inventory . The February Unsold Inventory Index for existing, single...(read more)

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Mortgage Rates Fall Back To Unchanged After Morning Weakness

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Mortgage rates were flat for the third day in a row , despite strong economic data and a weak 30yr Treasury Auction (two things that normally connote higher rates. Bond markets had already weakened appreciably overnight, however, and were thus in a better position to digest the data. MBS (the mortgage-backed-securities that most directly influence rates) clawed their way back to unchanged levels by 2pm Eastern time, and mortgage rates followed suit with many lenders "repricing" from higher rates this morning to something more in line with yesterday's rate this afternoon. As such, Best-Execution remains at 3.75 with 3.625% close by. ( What is A Best-Execution Mortgage Rate? ) Although tomorrow brings a decent batch of economic reports, fully capable of impacting mortgage rates, bond markets...(read more)

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blackstone Buying $100M Single Family Homes per Week; LO Comp Plan Impact Default Rates? MBA Compliance Classes and QRM Update

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Happy Pi Day (3.14) and speaking of pie (I know, a weak transition), if you think the U.S. government is knee-deep in the mortgage business check this out: the US Department of Agriculture is considering buying 400,000 tons of sugar to help provide support to sugar processors . The action is aimed at supporting falling sugar prices - whatever happened to free markets? 400K tons would allow the government to make 142 billion Hershey Kisses. Thanks to Kevin K. for passing this appraisal, legal, and logistic nightmare along. Once again, we are reminded that there is a fool born every minute. At the other end of the intelligence scale, there are many smart folks in mortgage banking, and many smart companies expanding. For example, with over 25 years in the industry, VITEK Mortgage Group, a leading...(read more)

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The Day Ahead: Looking for Guidance from Claims, 30yr Auction

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As we said in yesterday's recap, Wednesday was "refreshingly straightforward," with the overnight data suggesting logically stronger opening levels, Retail Sales sparking a quick sell-off, and the exceptionally strong 10yr Treasury auction reigning us back in. When all the chips were counted, MBS ended up 1 tick in the green. While Treasuries edged just slightly weaker overall, 10's are very close to the center of a sort of "post-NFP decision making" range. In other words, last Friday's Employment data served as one of the several upward jolts to Treasury yields that have combined to form longer-term trends toward higher rates for several months. The most recent "biggies" have been the late January ECB LTRO repayment data, the late February Italian election results, and then last week's Thursday...(read more)

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