Saturday, March 30, 2013

Shadow Inventory On The Rise After 2012 Foreclosure Legislation

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

A new report issued today by RealtyTrac says that the U.S. foreclosure inventory has increased by about 12 percent since May 2012 when it hit a five-year low of 1.3 million properties. Today that inventory stands at about 1.5 million and is up 9 percent form the first quarter of 2012. The foreclosure inventory consists of homes actively in the foreclosure process and bank-owned homes or REO. RealtyTrac says it was the finalization of the National Mortgage Settlement in April 2012 that triggered the growth of the inventory which is driven by a 59 percent jump in properties in some stage of foreclosure. The inventory is down from a peak of 2.2 million properties in December 2010. "Delinquent loans that fell into a deep sleep after the robo-signing controversy in late 2010 are gradually coming...(read more)

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