Friday, March 8, 2013

MBS RECAP: Employment Report Delivers Knockout Punch (The Bad Kind For Rates)

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary Yesterday, we noted that Jobless Claims and Mario Draghi's press conference delivered a one-two punch to the hopes of sustaining recently improved ranges in bond markets. Today then, was the haymaker, courtesy of a significantly stronger-than-expected Jobs report. After tonight's Fannie/Freddie 30yr Fixed Roll, Fannie 3.0s will be very close to 102-00! This was the outer limit of weakness suggested in this morning's preview. The corresponding outer limit of 2.10% in 10yr yields was similarly approached, but 10's managed to skid sideways near 2.05 in the afternoon. That particular level is a bit of a predicament, technically speaking, as it is very close to the defensive ceilings seen so far in 2013. The troublesome aspect is that the intraday price action...(read more)

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