Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sticking to the Plan with FHFA Strategies and Securitization Platform; Unbridled Financial Institution Mergers and Acquisitions; REIT Chatter

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Pipeline Press

"Rob, my partners and I made a little money up here in North Dakota in the oil biz, and we're thinking about getting back into mortgage banking. Do you know of any companies for sale?" I receive one or two of these a week now - without the North Dakota angle. I guess folks are "getting bulled up" on the mortgage biz, especially with the big bank's residential market share declining, and in spite of forecasts of lower volumes, tighter margins, lots of inflated seller opinions, and a regulatory environment that would surprise any mortgage banker who has been out of the business for any length of time. Buying a mortgage bank is much easier than starting one. Good luck finding any de novo depository banks that have been started in the last 3 years - here's an update on the current banking environment...(read more)

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