Sunday, March 3, 2013

FHA and the Sequester; A Note in Defense of Builder Affiliate Relationships

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

There are seasons to many foods. And folks into the culinary arts, and sustainable agriculture, will tell you that it is better to eat a peach in August grown within trucking distance rather than a peach in February flown in from Chile. Some say it makes sense to eat an entire meal made from whatever is in season, such as cauliflower, carrots, whatever. And right now it is Girl Scout Cookie season! Each Thin Mint has 40 calories, 28 per box. So the total number of calories is, let's see...0...32...0...8... for a total of 1,120 per box. So if I manage to find some time for exercise, a box for breakfast can be worked off at some point. I hope. I bring this up, not because I could actually eat a box for a meal, but because I continue to hear about "seasons" in real estate and in lending . In some...(read more)

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