Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blackstone Buying $100M Single Family Homes per Week; LO Comp Plan Impact Default Rates? MBA Compliance Classes and QRM Update

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

Happy Pi Day (3.14) and speaking of pie (I know, a weak transition), if you think the U.S. government is knee-deep in the mortgage business check this out: the US Department of Agriculture is considering buying 400,000 tons of sugar to help provide support to sugar processors . The action is aimed at supporting falling sugar prices - whatever happened to free markets? 400K tons would allow the government to make 142 billion Hershey Kisses. Thanks to Kevin K. for passing this appraisal, legal, and logistic nightmare along. Once again, we are reminded that there is a fool born every minute. At the other end of the intelligence scale, there are many smart folks in mortgage banking, and many smart companies expanding. For example, with over 25 years in the industry, VITEK Mortgage Group, a leading...(read more)

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