Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Credit Unions Have Good Year; Refresher on Types of Loans Under Qualified Mortgage Concept

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

Ever wonder where your tax money goes? A tiny slice goes to the Census Bureau so it can tell us about ourselves. The latest release focuses on housing, a good resource for anyone putting together a presentation : " American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas: 2011 Detailed Tables" has dozens of detailed tables on the characteristics of housing in 29 selected metro areas are now available in Excel files and the Census Bureau's American FactFinder data access tool. A wide range of topics is covered , including plumbing and source of water and sewage disposal, housing problems, householder's satisfaction with home and neighborhood, value, purchase price and source of down payment, recent home improvement activity and costs, safety features and potential health hazards, features in...(read more)

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