Thursday, May 28, 2015

Interesting Trends in FHLB, Subprime, and Non-Agency MBS Issuance; So What if Greece Defaults?

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to piddle on the electric fence for themselves." Learning how to build a tall building has taken centuries, and for the commercial lenders out there, here is a semi-nifty site that shows a chart of the tallest building in the world in every year. And speaking of commercial lending, CoStar Group reports 82% of the 370,000 multifamily rental units completed over the past 2 years were in the "luxury" category (rents in the top 20% of the market) and have been as high as 95% in some markets. Fannie & Freddie, as well as bankers, should take note and be cognizant of the building risk in the higher end of the market . Before we plunge into some trends in MBS and securitization...(read more)

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