Tuesday, May 26, 2015

MBS RECAP: Confluence of Positive Events Keep Bonds Happy All Day

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

US rates markets began the global trading session fairly timidly, but moving slightly lower in yield. European hours brought bigger moves as stocks tanked and German Bund yields rallied quickly at the open. Europe's big "risk-off" trade (lower stocks/lower yields) tried to bounce, but only managed a tepid consolidation before giving up just before 8am New York time. When the first round of domestic economic data hit at 8:30am, bond markets had quick second thoughts about following the stock sell-off. Reason being: the internal components of the Durable Goods data were stronger than expected. With this being one of the week's most significant reports, it's fair to assume it will add at least something to the ongoing debate over the Fed's rate hike timing. The fact that...(read more)

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Source: http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/mortgage_rates/blog/474490.aspx

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