Friday, May 15, 2015

MBS RECAP: Another Week Ends on High Note. Be Scared?

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

Remember last Thursday and Friday? Those were pretty good! It sure looked like bonds had had enough weakness for a while and might start to consolidate. Yes yes... I know that I said that the " Token Post-NFP Rally Doesn't Make Us Safe ," but I'm guessing that assessment seemed overly cautious to many of you after the first 2 days of gains in more than 2 weeks. Then, of course, Monday tanked , and rates set new highs for the year 3 days in a row. And now here we are again... another Thu/Fri duo has teamed up to deliver the exact same amount of gains on average and darn close to the exact same levels. We know the next step in this dance, right? Believe in the bounce only to get smacked down on Monday! But I'm not as pessimistic today as I was last Friday. True, Monday was...(read more)

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