Saturday, May 30, 2015

State, CFPB win Judgment against Florida Loan Mod Scheme

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

A Florida law firm and its several affiliates which had already been shuttered by the State of Florida and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) were ordered on Friday to pay a total of $27.7 million in damages and penalties. The judgment arose out of a lawsuit filed by CFPB and the Florida Attorney General against Hoffman Law Group (formerly Residential Litigation Group) and its operators Michael Harper, Benn Willcox, and attorney Marc Hoffman and affiliated companies operating as Nationwide Management Solutions, Legal Intake Solutions, File Intake Solutions, and BM Marketing Group, all based in North Palm Beach, Florida. The Hoffman Law Group was allegedly set up to create the perception that consumers who were trying to save their homes from foreclosure would receive specialized...(read more)

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