Friday, May 15, 2015

MBS MID-DAY: Low Gas Prices Now Like QE. Here's How That's Helping Us

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Be warned that the following reduces a complex, multifaceted issue to one of its individual components. It's merely an examination of this one component (and a superficial one at that) and it's effect on today's trading. Oil has been a big deal since it began tanking in late 2014. As rates began to rise in 2015, analysts began suggesting that a rise in oil was partly to blame. Of course, the only way that truly makes sense is to assume oil is rising WITH rates for OTHER reasons as opposed to assuming a rise in oil prices is actually pushing rates higher. Why "of course?" Let's take a look at what happens when prices rise again. Today's Consumer Sentiment numbers tell the story. 88.6 vs 96.0 forecast and a marked increase in inflation expectations. Here's a...(read more)

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