Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mortgage Rates Microscopically Lower

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates barely budged today. Those that budged moved almost imperceptibly lower from yesterday's latest rate sheets. In general, there was simply very little movement in underlying markets and lenders' rate sheets matched the tone. Ironically, Freddie Mac's weekly rate survey results came out this morning indicating higher rates. Keep in mind that the Freddie survey receives most of it's responses early in the week and then reports on Thursday mornings. That means that any changes in rates over the intervening days are not captured in the data. In the current case, it's not that rates have moved significantly lower in the past few days, but more to do with the fact that last week's Freddie survey didn't capture the brunt of the rise in rates that occurred on Tuesday. Think about it this...(read more)

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