Thursday, February 24, 2011

Foreclosure Sales Fall in Fourth Quarter 2010. Asterisks Noted

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

Despite a sizeable drop in the fourth quarter, sales of foreclosed properties again accounted for over a quarter of all single-family home sales in 2010. Sales of foreclosed homes represented almost 26 percent of all sales during the year, down from 29 percent in 2009. The discount buyers received for these homes was 28 percent off the average sale price of a non-foreclosed property compared to a 27 percent discount in 2009. The RealtyTrac Year and Q4 2010 U.S. Foreclosure Sales Report T M released on Thursday states that a total of 831,574 residential properties that had either been foreclosed or were in some stage of foreclosure were sold to third parties during the year. This was a 31 percent drop in these sales from the 2009 level, but was a larger market share as the volume of non-foreclosed...(read more)

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