Saturday, February 5, 2011

Range Exhaustion Cured. Result Not Originator Friendly

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

Short and sweet Friday posts are my favorite. I bet they're your favorite too.... After 7-weeks of consolidation, stored energy was finally released in the bond market today. The range has officially been broken. Ya!!!. I was suffering greatly from range exhaustion . This is much needed relief. I apologize for the celebration. This range break was far from originator friendly. The production MBS coupon has shifted from 4.50 to 5.00 MBS. 4.50 trades still need to be filled so you'll see 5.00% and 4.875% on C30 rate sheets, but all new production is destined for a 5.00 bucket, especially if prices fall further from here. Thie means, if we worsen from current levels, 5.375% could darn well become your new best execution 30 year fixed mortgage rate. You should dust of THIS POST on extension risk...(read more)

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