Friday, February 4, 2011

Originator Compensation FAQs Part IX; Revisting the Loan Buyback Situation; Rent vs. Own; Radian Write-Down

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Occasionally I am asked by someone to show them "the life of a loan". Here ya go: Life of a Loan Let's see... the US government helps out BofA, and is now asking them to buyback loans? And if BofA settles with them, which they did in part with Freddie, over certain Countrywide loans, what is the resulting impact on the smaller originators who originally did the loans - will BofA come back to them for full amounts? So many questions...but an investor group including PIMCO, BlackRock, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is weighing whether to sue Bank of America Corp. over about $47 billion in mortgage bonds agreed to extend talks with the lender for the second time. Bloomberg reports that the bond owners agreed to renew "their extension of any time periods" laid...(read more)

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