Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mortgage Market Buzzing with Activity On All Fronts

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: MBS Commentary

What a day! The markets have opened stronger in MBS and treasuries which will likely give a nice lift to most morning rate sheets. But there are some SERIOUS risks involved with current levels. Additionally, the GSE-Reform white paper is out which we'll be covering in detail today. It's just one of those mornings that feels "electric." If you want to really experience that electricity on both the market level and by discussing the impending changes to mortgage guidelines, then you have to get yourself into the MBSonMND Dashboard TODAY. We've mentioned MBSonMND in the blog recently, but try not to push it too hard in this venue. But if the goal of the MBS commentary is to keep you up to speed on the market-based changes and contribute in some way to your overall market savvy and success, then...(read more)

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