Sunday, February 27, 2011

MBS MID-DAY: Stocks and Bonds Rally

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: MBS Commentary

MBSonMND : MBS MID-DAY Open MBSonMND Dashboard FNMA 3.5 94-14 : +0-09 FNMA 4.0 98-15 : +0-05 FNMA 4.5 101-24 : +0-02 FNMA 5.0 104-17 : +0-01 GNMA 3.5 95-08 : +0-08 GNMA 4.0 99-30 : +0-04 GNMA 4.5 103-02 : +0-01 GNMA 5.0 105-32 : +0-01 FHLMC 3.5 94-08 : +0-06 FHLMC 4.0 98-10 : +0-06 FHLMC 4.5 101-21 : +0-02 FHLMC 5.0 104-15 : +0-01 Pricing as of 11:02 AM EST Morning Market Updates A recap of MBS Market Updates provided by MND Analysts and streamed live to the MBSonMND Dashboard . 11:01AM : Sideways Slide Gives Way To MBS Gains. Reprices Possible For lenders who are already out with rate sheets today, reprices for the better are a possibility on recent MBS gains to 101-24 in 4.5's. But in most cases, it's still a bit early for that, and some lenders may need further gains before repricing though...(read more)

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