Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mortgage Rates: Bleeding Stopped

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

This is gonna be one of those "GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS" sorta days. The good news is... The mortgage rate losing streak has come to an end at 5 days. Celebrations are acceptable. Even if it's just a fist pump. Nervous tensions were moderately relieved in the secondary mortgage market today. We've backed away from a ledge. For now. Reprices for the better were reported today! (Repricing for the better = improved borrowing costs) The bad news is.... There was a 5 day losing streak in mortgage rates. Stopping the bleeding doesn't mean rally. Nervous tensions were only moderately relieved in the secondary mortgage market today. We're still very much on a dangerous ledge. Reprices for the better we're not at that helpful....... The primary mortgage market is stillvery segmented at the moment because...(read more)

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