Friday, March 18, 2011

Alt-A Products Await a Return; Loan Servicers Fuming; Renting vs. Owning; Big Banks Get Bigger; Originator Overtime Lawsuit

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

What promises to be almost as impressive as all the underwater borrowers making their payments, watch out for that moon tomorrow night : LunarDisplay What does Chase think about a U.S. proposal to exempt certain mortgages from rules governing securitized loans? That it may unintentionally help the biggest banks. QRM When speaking to various groups lately I have been asked, "When will Alt-A come back?" It is a legitimate question. Many originators fondly remember the days of companies like Thornburg or Headlands. There is little doubt that the market will come back, it is "merely" a question of squaring away the A-paper market and then finding out demand at what yield relative to A-paper/agency product? For the product originated in previous years, within the prime and Alt-A sector, traders...(read more)

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