Wednesday, March 16, 2011

MBS MID-DAY: Choppy Price Action

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

MBSonMND : MBS MID-DAY Open MBSonMND Dashboard FNMA 3.5 94-32 : +0-13 FNMA 4.0 99-06 : +0-10 FNMA 4.5 102-11 : +0-06 FNMA 5.0 105-03 : +0-03 GNMA 3.5 95-31 : +0-12 GNMA 4.0 100-20 : +0-09 GNMA 4.5 103-21 : +0-06 GNMA 5.0 106-16 : +0-04 FHLMC 3.5 94-27 : +0-14 FHLMC 4.0 99-02 : +0-10 FHLMC 4.5 102-09 : +0-07 FHLMC 5.0 104-31 : +0-03 Pricing as of 11:00 AM EST Morning Market Updates A recap of MBS Market Updates provided by MND Analysts and streamed live to the MBSonMND Dashboard . 10:25AM : Goldman Looks to Sell Mortgage-Servicing Unit (WSJ) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has decided to sell its Litton Loan Servicing LP unit after the mortgage-servicing operation failed to deliver as much business as the securities firm hoped when it bought Litton in 2007. A spokesman for the New York company said...(read more)

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