Sunday, March 27, 2011

MBS RECAP: 3/25/2011

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: MBS Commentary

MBSonMND : MBS RECAP Open MBSonMND Dashboard FNMA 3.5 94-05 : -0-06 FNMA 4.0 98-11 : -0-05 FNMA 4.5 101-23 : -0-03 FNMA 5.0 104-19 : +0-01 GNMA 3.5 95-07 : -0-06 GNMA 4.0 99-27 : -0-05 GNMA 4.5 103-02 : -0-03 GNMA 5.0 105-31 : +0-02 FHLMC 3.5 93-30 : -0-05 FHLMC 4.0 98-06 : -0-05 FHLMC 4.5 101-18 : -0-03 FHLMC 5.0 104-11 : +0-01 Pricing as of 4:00 PM EST Afternoon Market Updates A recap of MBS Market Updates provided by MND Analysts and streamed live to the MBSonMND Dashboard . 3:38PM : Stabilization Confirmed, MBS Still Outperform The 101-20 technical line of defense mentioned in the last update as well as in the Rates Techs post from Monday continued to hold and give way to stabilization in the fairly steep losses between noon and 2pm. The coinciding 10yr yields are near 3.45, and as volume...(read more)

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