Thursday, March 31, 2011

MBS RECAP: Reprices Reported After Auction

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

MBSonMND : MBS RECAP Open MBSonMND Dashboard FNMA 3.5 94-06 : +0-15 FNMA 4.0 98-13 : +0-14 FNMA 4.5 101-25 : +0-10 FNMA 5.0 104-21 : +0-10 GNMA 3.5 95-09 : +0-16 GNMA 4.0 100-01 : +0-15 GNMA 4.5 103-07 : +0-11 GNMA 5.0 106-02 : +0-10 FHLMC 3.5 94-00 : +0-15 FHLMC 4.0 98-07 : +0-14 FHLMC 4.5 101-19 : +0-09 FHLMC 5.0 104-14 : +0-10 Pricing as of 4:02 PM EST Afternoon Market Updates A recap of MBS Market Updates provided by MND Analysts and streamed live to the MBSonMND Dashboard . 2:46PM : ALERT: Bonds Break Post-Auction Bear Trend. Reprice Risk Reverses Following the auction, 10yr notes moved diagonally toward higher rates. Yields formed a triangle with higher lows and lower highs centered on the mid 3.47's. It was the bearish resistance trendline that broke first, and since that break, yields...(read more)

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