Sunday, March 13, 2011

FHA Commissioner David Stevens Resigns; Foreclosure Sale Horror Story; Another Originator Compensation Lawsuit; Credit Suisse Settles

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Later today it will be Friday night, which means mortgage originators everywhere will have time to contemplate LO comp changes and come up with creative ways to open a few "tall cool ones": GladHe'sNotMyDentist "Old soldiers never die...they just...fade away." So said General Douglas MacArthur. What would he say about old mortgage executives that never die... they just form new companies! When was the last time you saw C-BASS and Thornburg mentioned in the same article? S tartUps In a story that first broke on Mortgage News Daily's MBSonMND live chat yesterday morning, Dave Stevens has resigned from his position as FHA commissioner . Stevens is expected to end his stint as FHA commissioner by the end of April and return to "the private sector." He was nominated about two years ago and sworn...(read more)

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