Sunday, March 6, 2011

Retail Banks or Independent Lenders: Who Writes Better Mortgages?; Compensation Reform's Impact on Lock Desk Policies; Lots of Investor Bulletins

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Pipeline Press

My computer is back up and operational. It turns out that running two virus security systems simultaneously pretty much shuts down your computer - I incorrectly thought it would make it twice as safe! I went ahead and extracted & rebuilt the hard drives, reconfigured the back-up retrieval system, re-mapped the memory and broadband, and at this point I realize that I have no idea what I'm talking about. I will put out a special Saturday edition to make up for yesterday. On with the show -) Who writes better mortgages, banks or mortgage banks? The Chicago Fed published a paper that focuses on how competition among lenders affects mortgage loan characteristics. According to its study, and please don't complain to me, banks issue safer mortgages than independent mortgage banks. Further, mortgages...(read more)

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