Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fannie and Freddie Foreclosure Inventory Over 240,000 Properties; Fed Responds to Originator Comp Questions; NMLS Uniform Licensing Forms

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

Don't let this happen to you at the next mortgage conference: THOUSANDS PROTEST CORRUPTION Maybe this person works for the Treasury Department, and the spill impacted the plans for Freddie and Fannie - which could be why the plans, which are "required" by the end of January per Dodd-Frank, have now been pushed back until mid-February . " Officials say the delay is needed to accommodate other major policy initiatives, including next month's release of the annual budget and the president's State of the Union address today." Try that excuse when delaying your 4/1 comp plan! It doesn't help that the Treasury has had some personnel turnover, and policy disagreements between Treasury and White House officials. When it does come out, expect two or three proposals for what should replace Fannie and...(read more)

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Source: www.mortgagenewsdaily.com

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