Friday, January 28, 2011

Mortgage Rates: Risks Still Manageable on Day to Day Basis

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

After the "high risk events" of the week reached a crescendo yesterday, today's market movements offered a bit of reprieve for mortgage rate watchers. That reprieve wasn't seen until this afternoon, however, but borrowing costs did improve marginally over yesterday's updated lender offererings. There's always risks involved in floating, but a majority of the week's influential events are now successfully behind us. We think it's safe to down grade the risk advisory meter from high risk to cautious/guarded. That means we're not expecting the recent rates range to be broken as swiftly as might have the case earlier this week. That DOESN'T mean you should not be defensive. Day over day risks are however limited to volatility in closing costs. WHY? The mortgage rate/borrowing cost "range" we keep...(read more)

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