Monday, January 3, 2011

Mortgage Rates: High Risk Event Ahead

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Happy New Year Rate Watchers! Volatility was abundant in the primary mortgage market last week. Lenders repriced for the worse. Repeatedly. Lenders repriced for the better. Repeatedly. In the end, after all sorts of commotion, mortgage rates were basically unchanged on the week. There is a caveat to add to that "mortgage rates unchanged" proclamation though.... Loan pricing got really segmented in the final two-weeks of the year. Meaning the range of best execution rate quotes being offered by lenders was wider than usual. Some lenders were aggressive. Others were apathetic and chose to end the year in cruise control rather than attempt to add new production to their pipelines. This behavior is actually not out of the ordinary in a year end environment. We commented on the topic in this Mortgage...(read more)

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