Monday, January 31, 2011

The Week Ahead: Jobs Data, Egypt, ISM, Productivity

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

Turmoil in Egypt and the broader middle-east continues to weigh on investors. As riots broke out late last week, U.S. equity markets saw their steepest single-day declines in months. This led to a flight to safety in the government bond market and helped mortgage rates improve a few basis points. The flight to safety was however not enough to break the recent MBS trading range. The release of the Employment Situation Report is the main event on the economic calendar in the week ahead. However continued civil unrest in Egypt is expected to stir up commotion in the marketplace and potentially dictate the direction of mortgage in advance of jobs data on Friday morning. After ending an eight week rally last Friday, bond investors will be keeping a close eye on the sentiment of stocks and shifts...(read more)

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