Monday, January 24, 2011

Mortgage Rates: Storm Brewing. Don't Get Complacent

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

The word of the month in the primary mortgage market is "RANGE". Mortgage rates have barely budged since mid-December. The only real variable in loan pricing scenarios has been the closing costs associated with Best Execution mortgage rates. Otherwise...2011 has been a sideways saunter for consumer borrowing costs. This generally stable interest rate environment has allowed a feeling of complacency to creep into rate watcher outlooks. And while some mortgage rate opportunists have a "ho-hum, I need 4.00% to refinance" attitude and therefore are somewhat apathetic toward rising borrowing costs, there are others who need to lock their loan in the next 30 days. This is the group we caution against becoming overly complacent. Don't let the relative stability fool you.... The comfy confines of the...(read more)

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