Sunday, January 30, 2011

MBS Bounce as Stocks Fall Following Consumer Sentiment Data

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

Although the 74.2 reading on Consumer Sentiment was slightly higher than consensus estimates of 73.2, the fact that it did not beat the 74.5 December reading seems to be the driving force behind a down trade in stocks and recovery bounce in bond prices. 10yr notes just crossed over yesterday's closing yield levels around 3.39 after trading as high as 3.45 this morning. FNCL 4.5 MBS are at 102-03 and rising. If current levels are maintained, we stand a good chance to see reprices for the better from lenders who were already out with pricing before the data. Remember: the best way to stay on top of the minute to minute changes in the MBS prices that dictate loan pricing is at the MBSonMND Live Dashboard ( LEARN MORE HERE ). Have a question about something you're seeing on the dashboard? Just...(read more)

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