Sunday, January 9, 2011

NFP Preview: Room to Run But Teetering on MBS Coupon Shift

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

I gotta be honest. I didn’t really watch the market too closely today. I was late to my desk this AM. Pushed the day ahead out AFTER data was released. Then got sucked into commenting on a WSJ article titled, “ Writing On The Wall: Mortgage Borrowers Take Blame, And Banks Agree ”. After that it was excess inventory that grabbed my attention. Time magazine’s " Assignment Detroit ” really got me thinking about the whole “bull dozing” approach to balancing out supply/demand. And before I knew it MG was asking me who was gonna write the MBS close and I hadn’t even eaten lunch yet. Maybe that doesn’t make me the most qualified person to talk on the market today… Eh. On second thought, I really didn’t miss too much. Not in the big...(read more)

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