Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mortgage Rates: Two Days of Positive Progress! Now What...

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

The word of the month in the primary mortgage market is " RANGE ". <<<---- We wrote that last Friday. On Monday we said a storm was a brewin. "Don't get complacent". Tuesday we took off because nothing happened on TuesDAY. TuesNIGHT was when the action was expected. Nope. TuesNIGHT came and went with little action to report. Wednesday too. So on Thursday we were back to preaching the principles of "THE RANGE" . And then came Friday......................... To sum up what you want to hear in one easy to understand statement, I quote Chris Kopec of Owl Tree Mortgage - "MBS out on the highs of the day....likey likey" Well-said Chris. Well said. Even those who know nothing of MBS can figure out what happened in the mortgage market today. "Likey likey" says it all. MG's gut instincts were...(read more)

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