Monday, January 31, 2011

Mortgage Rates: Range Holds. Flight to Safety Needed

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Just like the first three weeks of the month, the last week was all about the range in the primary mortgage market. If you're a first time reader and have no clue what we're talking about... Mortgage rates have barely budged since mid-December. The only real variable in loan pricing scenarios has been the closing costs associated with Best Execution mortgage rates. Otherwise...2011 has been a sideways saunter for fence-sitting rate watchers. We thought that might change last week, but it didn't. Home loan borrowing costs barely budged, again . The rates range did not break. From that perspective, even though we are encouraged about the prospects for a move lower, all we can do is defensively "wait and see" what happens in the month ahead. The comfy confines of the range are still shrinking...(read more)

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