Monday, January 10, 2011

Risk Retention Regs Delayed; Citi Shares Perspective on Originator Compensation; Massachusetts Foreclosures Reversed

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

It seems like it was just New Year's, and now we're staring at another holiday. Don't forget that Monday, January 17 is a federal holiday , so "this date cannot be included in counting the seven business day waiting period from when the initial TIL was provided to consummation. When redisclosure of the TIL is required, this date also cannot be included in counting the three business day period from when a revised TIL was provided to a borrower to consummation." A GMAC announcement reminded me of that. I had one comment about the White House losing value. "You are absolutely correct that the White House, like the rest of American homes, has gone down in value by 24%. In fact some areas would be happy with a decline of only 24%. But, unlike the rest of America, the White House was able to increase...(read more)

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